Power Lists
Say hello to City & State PA’s 2023 Advisory Board
This 16-person panel helps us select our power lists.
News & Politics
A Q&A with Allegheny County’s Rich Fitzgerald
The term-limited county executive goes over his last 12 years in office – and what’s next for him.
Power List
Power Lists
The 2023 Pittsburgh Power 100
Meet the people strengthening the Steel City in politics, business, nonprofits and more.
News & Politics
Mudslinging taints Allegheny County Council race
Bethany Hallam and Joanna Doven have been trading barbs on social media.
News & Politics
Passing voter ID can help restore trust in elections
An argument for why lawmakers owe it to their constituents to put the voter ID amendment on the ballot.
Satire/Odd News
Winners & Losers
Campaigns & Elections
Bipartisan state panel issues new report aiming to clarify mail-in ballot rules
Report recommendations include making secrecy envelopes optional and giving counties the authority to regulate drop boxes.
News & Politics
Mark Rozzi eyes Pittsburgh for first stop of statewide listening tour
The House Speaker announced a tour last week to hear from residents on gridlock in Harrisburg.
U.S. Congress
Mayors fret over the possibility of ARPA fund clawbacks
Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti said the city is using ARPA money to help certain businesses raise workers’ pay.
Satire/Odd News
2023 & Me: Fake ‘family’ connections we wish were the real deal
We shook the state’s political family tree and came up with some fanciful findings.
Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate drops to 3.9% in December
The state unemployment rate is at its lowest level ever recorded, dating back to 1976.
Winners & Losers
Capitol Beat
Get to know your lawmaker: We asked Harrisburg newbies rapid-fire questions to quickly get acquainted
Here are 15 questions asked of the new members in the state Capitol.
How Mark Rozzi has shaken up Harrisburg’s halls of power: A City & State analysis
We take a look back at one of the most head-spinning weeks in recent memory.
News & Politics
Shapiro, citing the importance of public safety, stops by PEMA headquarters for first state agency visit
Randy Padfield, who has served as director of the agency since 2019, will remain in his post.
Publisher's Note
Publisher’s Note: City & State events are your ticket to political influence
Stay politically agile by participating in our networking receptions, award ceremonies and policy summits.
News & Politics
As his first order of business, Shapiro undos college degree requirement for state jobs
The executive order – affecting 65,000 state jobs – came on the new governor’s first full day in office.
News & Politics
Josh Shapiro is sworn in as Pennsylvania’s 48th governor
Shapiro promised to be ‘a governor for all Pennsylvanians.’