Winners and Losers – September 2016

Whether you’re one of the countless recipients of the dreaded blue-and-white envelopes on your windshield who have been enjoying watching the Philadelphia Parking Authority boss and board self-immolate in an execrably handled sexual harassment scandal, or you have been waiting to see the arc of justice bend in the right direction for Pennsylvania victims of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic priests, it was a September to remember for our Winners & Losers.
PA Rep. Mark Rozzi
State Rep. Mark Rozzi - The Berks County pol survived childhood sexual abuse only to see his bill to lift the statute of limitations on molestation suits lobbied out of existence by clergy groups. This month, he announced he’s taking a second run at it. Godspeed.
State Supreme Court Justice Tom Saylor - In November, voters will weigh in on whether to raise the state’s judicial retirement age in a move designed mainly to help the state’s most aged justice keep his spot on the bench for a few more years.
Patrick Kerkstra - The former PhillyMag editor fought for more diversity and local political coverage in the newsroom; ownership wanted more articles on the perfect golf swing and less digital outreach. His departure makes Pat a winner in our book.
Vince Fenerty
Vince Fenerty - The longtime Philadelphia Parking Authority director/entitled goon sexually harassed multiple women – and his board members (who deserve a special Losers mention all their own) covered it up. Fenerty only lost his job after Inquirer reporter Mike Newall sniffed out the story. The infuriating coda: He will collect a $12,000+ monthly pension anyway. Wait, who’s the real loser here again?
State Rep. Leslie Acosta - After quietly pleading guilty to felony embezzlement charges, the Philly lawmaker says she wants to keep her job anyway. In other news, Dante is busily adding a new circle of hell, reserved for oblivious Philadelphia government officials.
Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski - Hizzoner lamely tried – and failed – to get back campaign funds frozen by federal investigators, all while still under federal investigation. Dude, there’s plenty of room in hell for Lehigh Valley pols, too.
NEXT STORY: Philadelphia City Council overhauls wage laws