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Q&A with Brendan Harris, President, UPMC for You and State Programs

Brendan Harris UPMC

What are the crucial issues that need to be addressed for Pennsylvania to most effectively deal with its aging residents in the short- and long-term?
Keeping seniors safe, healthy, and active in their communities is one of our biggest priorities. Extending the time before seniors need a higher level of care can be especially challenging for those older adults with chronic or disabling health conditions, who may be more vulnerable to socioeconomic factors that adversely impact their health.
Through Pennsylvania’s Community HealthChoices program, UPMC Community HealthChoices (UPMC CHC) provides both medical care and home and community-based supports in a person-centered approach, which provides seniors (and others) with individualized resources and tools to remain healthy, active, and independent in their communities.
What are some of the ways you/your organization are working to make that happen?
UPMC CHC is part of an integrated delivery and finance system and is affiliated with a world class academic research organization (Pitt). We use clinical and social data combined with leading research findings to “meet our members where they are” with the best care possible. We work closely with community organizations that also serve our members, and our Service Coordinators take a person-centered approach, working with the individuals, their friends and families to ensure they have the supports they need to stay independent and healthy in their homes and communities.
These efforts have helped us “rebalance” the ratio of those living at home, with 70% of our members who prefer to stay at home doing so and not entering nursing homes.
What is your elevator pitch to explain just how important adapting and optimizing how older Pennsylvanians live is to improving the quality of life for all Pennsylvanians?
Health plans can and should do more than just provide health coverage – that’s why UPMC Health Plan invests in housing, job training and other resources to address health disparities and why we strongly support Pennsylvania’s CHC Program. We believe our unique person-centered approach of understanding our participants' needs, using clinical evidence and collaborating with strong community partners produces healthier communities that keep older Pennsylvanians as healthy, safe and independent as possible for as long as possible. And when they do have health needs, we ensure they have affordable access to high-quality medical care and support services close to home.